Not Like Grandma’s

Because I have always had a problem with women decorating their house with flower bedecked curtains and making their husband sleep under pink be-tufted duvet covers and all that, I have scrupulously avoided decorating in an overly feminine fashion. (Not that my grandma’s do this. It’s really mostly the Everybody Loves Raymond grandma who does it, but everyone knows the type.)

And my guy is a very good sport about letting me paint whatever colors I want, letting me make murals willy-nilly, and being a decent guy when it comes time to approve the furniture budget. But when I told him I wanted to buy a kitchen table (not a dining table; we eat at that every night. I want something I can leave crap on) and then I told him how much the table I wanted cost……….he looked “askance”.

Telling him it would be the most masculine table he’s ever seen in his life didn’t even phase him, but that’s just cause he has no vision. Anyway, shipped in two parts, weighing about 500 lbs total (I’m way guessing on that. I don’t even know how much I weigh), here is my reclaimed wood & iron “industrial” table.

I need to oil the iron so that it shines, but I had absolutely no time in between setting it up and my husband stacking a huge amount of bills and paperwork on top of it! He was definitely impressed with how “manly” of a table it actually is, so much so that he didn’t even notice he was sitting on the setee with the red velvet pillows. Dude could not not use the table immediately.

Apartment Therapy tells me that the whole reclaimed wood and industrial bit is catching on, which bothers me because I hate to be on trend. However, I’ve asked my drama teacher dad to scare up some “super crappy, beat up” old school chairs to add to my set. Bet you almost nobody will have those. Why is it that the best junk in attics is so hard to come by?

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